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Medarbejder hos Sirius advokater

Tina Ortega

Partner, Attorney-at-Law (L)

(+45) 51 20 46 47

Practice areas

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Legal Secretary:

Pia Anita Rasmussen

(+45) 88 88 85 86


Tina Ortega specializes in construction law, a field she has been involved in since 2008. She provides advice to a range of clients, including contractors, engineers, architects, and builders, covering everything from contract negotiations to resolving construction-related disputes. If litigation becomes unavoidable, Tina is an experienced litigator, appearing before both the Arbitration Board for Building and Civil Works and civil courts. In addition to construction law, Tina possesses in-depth knowledge of the railway sector and large infrastructure projects. She assists in drafting contracts for the purchase of trains, maintenance agreements, and subcontracts, and handles procurement processes. Tina also serves as an active partner for resolving disputes that may arise in long-term contractual relationships.


  • SIRIUS advokater: 2020 - present

  • DSB (Danish State Railways): 2015 - 2020

  • VILTOFT: 2008 - 2015


  • Member of the Danish Society for Construction Law (Det Danske Selskab for Byggeret)


Tina Ortega er specialist i entrepriseret, som hun har beskæftiget sig med siden 2008. Hun rådgiver både bygherrer, ingeniører, arkitekter og entreprenører om alt fra kontraktindgåelse til løsning af byggesagens konflikter. Hvis en retssag er uundgåelig, er Tina en erfaren procedør ved såvel Voldgiftsnævnet for Bygge- og Anlægsvirksomhed som ved de civile domstole. Udover entrepriseret har Tina et indgående kendskab til jernbanesektoren og store infrastrukturprojekter, hvor hun bl.a. bistår med udarbejdelse af kontrakter om indkøb af tog, vedligeholdelsesaftaler og underleverandøraftaler, samt gennemfører udbud. Herudover er Tina en aktiv sparringspartner i forhold til løsning af de uenigheder, der opstår mellem parter i længerevarende kontraktforhold.


  • SIRIUS advokater: 2020 - nu

  • DSB: 2015 - 2020

  • VILTOFT: 2008 - 2015


  • Medlem af Det Danske Selskab for Byggeret


  • Legal500

‘Tina Ortega together with Kim Ørnstrup Rasmussen have a team which are always professional, they are highly competent, professional, polite, pleasant, straight forward with a high level of expertise and work morale.’

‘Tina Ortega stands out. She is very knowledgeable and gives very sensible advice. She is pragmatic and very easy to work with a keen eye for the details of the cases.’

Tina er anbefalet i det internationalt anerkendte analyse- og ratingfirma Legal500.

Legal 500 advokat
ranked in Chambers europe 2024 Sirius advokater
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